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Men For Missions

MEN for MISSIONS’ primary purpose is the Great Commission.

              (Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8)

It is our goal by mutual edification to develop and foster a burden for the lost in our community, our surrounding area, country and around the world.  It is also our goal to develop opportunities to use our various gifts and abilities to present the gospel and partner with others of like faith in missionary efforts.

Our men meet the first Saturday of each month with a goal to develop our burden and interest in the vast scope of Missions.

  • We will consider our Jerusalem

    • Our Jerusalem must be measured through the ministries of Blissfield Baptist Church.  We can, in part, fulfill our obligation as we are involved in serving and ministering in our local church.

    • Continually developing ideas whereby we may more effectively reach Blissfield and those communities where our church people live with the gospel.

  • We will consider our Judea

    • Looking for ways we may invest our time, talent, or treasure to assist other Bible believing Christian organizations in their outreach to the lost and ministry to the Christian.

    • Rescue Missions, Retirement Homes, Food Pantries, Jail / Prison Ministry, etc.

  • We will consider our Samaria

    • Looking into Michigan, Ohio and Indiana for opportunities to serve and minister.

    • Camp CoBeAc, Baptist Children’s Home, Prison Ministry, Work projects, Missionaries, Church planting,

  • We will consider the utter most parts of the world

    • Through reports and updates from our missionary families we support.

    • Through investigating opportunities of potential travel to assist missionaries on the field –

With evangelism

With ministry opportunities

With building projects

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